"Kontrakty о sdache vnaem skota, prinadlejashchego satrapu Arshamu", [w:] "Problemy socialno-ekonomicheskoy istorii Drevnego mira. Sbornik pamyati akademika, A. I. Tiumeneva" = "The lease contracts of cattle belonging to the satrap Arsham", [w:] "The problems of the social and economic history of the Ancient World. A collection of essays in memory of the Academician A. I. Tiumenev", Μ. Α. Dandamaev, Moscow-Leningrad 1963 : [recenzja]

The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, Tom 15 (1965) s. 418
Itskhok Fiselevitch Fikhman , Muhammad A. Dandamayev (aut. dzieła rec.)


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