Where is my mind? : Mark Rowlands on the vehicles of cognition = Gdzie jest mój umysł? : Mark Rowlands o nośnikach poznania
Andreas Elpidorou
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Software Art Potentials
Andreas Broeckmann
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A Private Property Rights Approach on the Social Aspects of a Free Market Economy
Stamate Andreas
Economics and Sociology , 5 /2A (2012) s. 100-114 -
Facing One Another : Ethics of Friendship in Town Twinning
Andreas Langenohl
Przegląd Socjologiczny / Sociological Review , 63 /1 (2014) s. 27-47 -
Legacies and Problematics of Microsociology in the Social Studies of Finance
Andreas Langenohl
Przegląd Socjologiczny / Sociological Review , 71 /4 (2022) s. 87-104 -
Now more than ever : the open method of coordination in EU territorial cohesion policy
Andreas Faludi
European Spatial Research and Policy , 14 /1 (2007) s. 11-24 -
Hegemony as a visual rhetorical signification in Soviet Estonia photojournalism
Andreas Ventsel
Rocznik Antropologii Historii , 4 /1 (6) (2014) s. 119-129 -
Euclos the Illustrious - the Composer of Homeric Hymns to Aphrodite?
Andreas V. Kringos
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The Place of Agriculture in the Ethnography of the Mongols
Andreas Ròna-Tas
Etnografia Polska , 24 /1 (1980) s. 45-51 -
Against the Politics of Safety: Lars von Trier and Responding To the Outsider
A. Andreas Wansbrough
Symbolae Europaeae /11 (2017) s. 7-30