Diogenes pies : sztuka niefilozoficzna
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Übten die Geto-Daker den griechisch-römischen Brauch der Charonsmünze?
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Le tabou linguistique : Un paradoxe toujours actuel
Mihaela Popescu
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Zwycięstwo poety i tłumacza : (Słowacki w Rumunii)
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Iosif Toma Popescu
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Continuing Training in Romania: Reasons and Benefits from the Perspective of the Knowledge Economy
Alina Irina Popescu
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Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and the Risk of a War in the Horn of Africa
Alba Iulia Catrinel Popescu
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The Linkage Between Corporate Social Performance and the Corporate Financial Performance in the Information and Communication Technology Multinational Companies of Romania
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