A remark on super-intuitionistic predicate logics having the same propositional fragment
Nobu-Yuki Suzuki
Bulletin of the Section of Logic , 28 /2 (1999) s. 107-115 -
Intermediate logics characterized by a class of algebraic frames with infinite individual domain
Nobu-Yuki Suzuki
Bulletin of the Section of Logic , 18 /2 (1989) s. 63-71 -
Some Weak Variants of the Existence and Disjunction Properties in Intermediate Predicate Logics
Nobu-Yuki Suzuki
Bulletin of the Section of Logic , 46 /1-2 (2017) s. 93-109 -
Some super-intuitionistic logics as the logical fragments of equational theories
Tatsuya Shimura, Nobu-Yuki Suzuki
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Constitutionalism in Japan
Teruji Suzuki
Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe , 16 /1 (2008) s. 12-26 -
Gramatyka stóp
Tadashi Suzuki
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Privatization and Its Varied Forms due to the Differences between Legal Cultures
Teruji Suzuki
Krytyka Prawa , 4 /1 (2012) s. 40-54 -
National Security and Defence after the Second World War in Japan
Teruji Suzuki
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The Taiwan Problem: Two China or One China = Problem Tajwanu: jedno czy dwa państwa chińskie
Teruji Suzuki
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Japońskie kłopoty z tradycją
Henryk Lipszyc, Tadashi Suzuki
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An Approach to the 5-, 9-, and 13-Dimensional Complex Dynamics II : Twistor aspects
Julian Ławrynowicz, Osamu Suzuki
Bulletin de la Société des Science et des Lettres de Łódź. Serie: Recherches sur les Déformations 26 (1998) s. 23-48