Constitutionalism in Japan
Teruji Suzuki
Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe , 16 /1 (2008) s. 12-26 -
Privatization and Its Varied Forms due to the Differences between Legal Cultures
Teruji Suzuki
Krytyka Prawa , 4 /1 (2012) s. 40-54 -
National Security and Defence after the Second World War in Japan
Teruji Suzuki
Krytyka Prawa , 2 /1 (2010) s. 91-108 -
The Taiwan Problem: Two China or One China = Problem Tajwanu: jedno czy dwa państwa chińskie
Teruji Suzuki
Krytyka Prawa , 7 /1 (2015) s. 497-523